7-11 Redefines “Convenience”

Via your classmate Morgan:

7-Eleven went to the Licence Appeal Tribunal (LAT), sidestepping the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) to which they had initially applied to for their liquor license. This has allowed them to have their liquor license approved at more than 50 stores once a routine inspection is passed.

What makes this interesting is the shift in how 7-Eleven is attempting to reposition itself in the consumer’s mind. Historically, 7-Eleven has positioned themselves as a convenience store. However, with this new licensing approval, 7-Eleven introduces its licensed restaurant format in which adult guests will be able to have an alcoholic beverage when having a lunch or dinner from the chain.

This is a case of 7-Eleven trying to get ahead of the curve for when Ontario may allow convenience stores to sell alcohol to go. By already having a license in place, it would expedite their ability to have liquor sales. Considerations for brand management as they enter this new phase in the marketplace include:

  • How does 7-Eleven maintain a safe space and prevent overconsumption while serving alcohol?
  • How does 7-Eleven prevent drunk driving given that many stores are linked to a gas bar?
  • How does 7-Eleven define itself – is it a convenience store or a restaurant?
  • Has the 7-Eleven target market changed? Will this change the perception of the 7-Eleven?

These above considerations will have a major impact on the brand as it makes this transition to serving alcohol within its store locations.

source: CBC News


1 thought on “7-11 Redefines “Convenience”

  1. hoan3460

    Morgan, I hope this comment finds you well. I am quite surprised to know that 7-eleven has redefined its brand meaning through moving into the food service (restaurant) industry with the liquor license. Personally, my perception towards 7-eleven is the brand of being “convenience, nostalgic, and on-the-spot”. To me, it quite makes sense of how 7-eleven now making it is more convenient for its customers to get their alcohol instead of looking for nearby LCBO or Beer Store which totally supports the “convenience” piece in its brand meaning. Now that consumers can also enjoy their favorite snacks from the store and being able to quickly grab a beer, this also supports the spontaneous or “on-the-spot” guilty pleasure for its customers instead of visiting different stores for different purposes in order to enjoy a long day at work. Again, based on my knowledge, I’ve known that 7-eleven’s target customers are Young Millennials who are currently in the workforce. I think this move from the brand should make sense in their target consumers’ mind.


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